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What’s The Difference Between A Roller Mill Vs. Hammer Mill?
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What’s The Difference Between A Roller Mill Vs. Hammer Mill?

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What’s The Difference Between A Roller Mill Vs. Hammer Mill?

A hammer mill acts like the name implies by milling grain with a smashing motion. If you took a kernel of corn and smashed it, you would have multiple pieces with variation in size.

A roller mill acts more like a cutting knife. As a roller spins, it creates a shearing effect. Roller mill particle size generally sees lower variance than hammer mills, which results in a more consistent grind.

Hammer mills also use different screen sizes to adjust the particle size for either a coarser or finer grain. Often, they have to shut down their entire mill to change a screen.

Roller mills can alter the grind by changing the roll position. If you want to achieve a finer grind, you can simply move the rolls in. If you’re looking for a coarser grind, you’ll do the exact opposite and back the rolls out.

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